Planning & Zoning
Mission Statement
- Ensure requirements that are set forth in the Comprehensive Plan for the City are met pursuant to the goals, objectives, and policies set forth in the Comprehensive Future Land Use Element adopted March 19, 1991 and amended January 5, 2021.
- Ensure future development in the City shall be guided by the availability of and the efficient use of public facilities and services as well as site characteristics such as soil conditions and topography.
- Make certain that all new development is consistent with the Future Land Use Element.
- Protect natural and historic resources.
- Promote healthy economic growth.
- Ensure the availability of suitable land for public facilities to support proposed development.
Responsibilities and Duties
- Assist residents with questions on the use of land on issues such as zoning, land use, floodplain status, and the development approval process.
- Process Future Land Use Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments to comply with applicable state regulations.
- Review site plans and improvement plans for consistency with adopted City codes.
- Amend land development regulations for current issues and consistency with the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
- Process Rezoning Petitions, Special Exception Petitions and Variance Applications.
Planning Information
For access to the City's Zoning, Future Land Use, and Subdivision Maps please click here.
Forms - Can be located under the Resources Tab, then City forms
Helpful Links
- Okeechobee Office of the Property Appraiser
- Florida Department of State Division of Corporations
- Clerk of Circuit Court Okeechobee County
Printable forms, applications and information:
- Resolution No. 98-11 Schedules of Land Development & Regulation Fees and Charges
When the cost for advertising, publishing and mailing notices of public hearings exceeds the established fee, or when a professional consultant is hired to advise the city on the application, the applicant shall pay the actual costs.
- PB/BOA Review Cycle/Tentative Hearing Dates
- Site Plan Review Cycle/Tentative Hearing Dates
Contact Information
Patty Burnette
General Services Director
(863) 763-9824
Keli Trimnal
Administrative Secretary
(863) 763-9824
Gary Ritter
City Administrator
(863) 763-9812
Morris-Depew Associates, Inc.
City Planner
2914 Cleveland Avenue
Ft. Myers, FL 33901-6003
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I verify the Future Land Use and /or Zoning of my property?
You can find the Future Land Use and/or Zoning of your property by either calling the Planning and Zoning Department and requesting the information or you can access the City’s website at and view the City’s Future Land Use and Zoning Maps. When calling you will need either the property’s address or Parcel ID number.
What can I do in my zoning district?
Information of all permitted and special exception uses is available online by accessing the City’s website at and view Code of Ordinances and LDR’s or by calling the Planning and Zoning Department, 863-763-9824.
Where can I find information on the setbacks, maximum lot coverage, and maximum height of structures?
These development criteria depend upon the zoning district. The zoning district can be found by following the steps outlined above in Question 1. Then these requirements will be located under the Lot and Structure Requirements for that zoning district.
Where can I find a copy of the zoning code?
The City of Okeechobee Code of Ordinances & LDR’s is located in Part II, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 90, Zoning.
Can I split (subdivide) my land?
Whether or not a property is eligible for subdivision requires the analysis of several factors, including the zoning district, road frontage, total acreage, as well as a number of other items. Please call the Planning and Zoning Department 863-763-9824 to obtain additional information.
I am considering rezoning, or changing the future land use of my property. What do I need to do?
Prior to filling out and submitting forms, it is recommended that you consult with the Planning and Zoning Department and schedule a meeting.
I received a Notice of Public Hearing in the mail. What does this mean?
A courtesy notice is sent out to surrounding property owners within a 300-foot radius of a property that has applied to be rezoned, for a comprehensive plan amendment, for a special exception, for a variance or for an abandonment of a right of way. A summary description of the proposed application/petition can be found within the body of the notification. A public hearing date for the proposed change is included in your notification. You are invited to attend the hearing to oppose or support the proposed change. Your attendance is optional, but this is the most effective way to voice your opposition or support to the hearing body. Once filed, all application/petition information is public record and may be viewed by the public subject to public record laws.
Where can I find application online? Can they also be downloaded and turned in online?
All applications are in PDF form and are available for download on the Planning and Zoning forms page. At the present time, all applications must be turned in by hand or mailed to:
By hand: City Hall, General Services Department, Room 101
By mail:
City of Okeechobee
General Services Department
55 SE 3rd Avenue, Room 101
Okeechobee, FL 34974
How do I register a complaint about a troublesome neighbor or nuisance property in my neighborhood?
Property complaints and issues are handled through the City of Okeechobee’s Code Enforcement Department: (863-763-9795).